This service is for the adult who has specific goals surrounding their (or their child(ren)’s) executive function/self regulation skills and are wanting to grow their toolbox beyond what the TRPS course has to offer.
This service involves a pre-coaching consult for 30 minutes to target goal areas, and then a customized package for coaching.
A precursor to signing up for coaching is that you must have completed the TRPS Language of Self-Regulation course. This is mandatory to give you a lot of the resources and knowledge we will talk about in coaching.
There are two tiers to pricing:
🧠 Tier 1: Asynchronous biweekly check ins (you submit a form and I provide feedback using a video platform 2x per month)- $150 per month
🧠 Tier 2: Asyncrhonous weekly check ins (we meet two times live per month for 30-45 minutes to cover your goal areas)- $300 per month
These packages are built for 3 months at a time, and you can choose to renew them at the end of your 3 month contract.